From the heartland of nature
You sprang up
Amidst the storm, the wind, the
You rang the bell, I won’t be
As your root dung deep into the
fertile soil
Of any virgin land your seed
lands on
Then, it’s about time you say
hello to the atmosphere
And produce shoots in two to
three weeks…
You begin to maximize all the
From nature’s secret nutrients
You begin to bloom in late
And continue until March…
Your branch so full of
succulent fruits
Your pattern of bearing fruit
so amazing
One branch bears and rest
And the other branch continues
the sweet nature process…
To give us more of the yellow
Until you tend towards
alternate or biennials
It’s true that no matter how
old you may grow
You can still bear fruit even
after your peak age of 300 years…
Savior of the masses as well as
the wilds
I remember how we pluck you in
the wild
And enjoy every bit of you
Both the outer and inner parts
from your drupe family, we all ate…
Science calls you Mangifera indica
People call you mango
I choose to call you yellow man
Your varieties so numerous
Your wife German mango (Opioro) will always be sliced
In this great season even as
she fulfills her purpose
Your children: Kerosene mango,
Sweet mango
And lots more will be screaming
this season in the field; pluck me, pluck me…
I can never forget the rich
taste of nfaa n’eze my favorite of your kind
As I used my tiny fingers to
remove the fibrous thread that stuck
In between my teeth after
massacring it with so much joy…
You’re so full of natural
blended sparks of nutrients
Oh! Your creamy taste with over
20 vitamins and minerals
Reduces risk of obesity in the
fat city
Overall mortality to give us
Reduces diabetes to give us
better diet…
Of course! Zero heart disease
when you’re in consumption
Promotion of healthy complexion
without bleaching
Boost of energy and overall
lower weight to keep you in good shape
Hello yellow man
Your zeaxanthin antioxidant
protects our eyes
And combats macular
Your beta-carotene prevents
asthma in Homo sapiens
Your polyphenol extracts
Were most effective on breast
and colon cancer
Oh! Yellow man
Thanks for maintaining our
collagen of skin and hair structure
Thanks for also fighting heat
stroke that came to stroke our body
In this great season of your
succulent and juicy trends
Across the globe and universe
In every tribe, nook and cranny
I want to say hello to yellow
For diming it fit to come to
To save the masses and even the
Mangifera indica, Mango, our
yellow man…
Your nutrition is unbeatable!
Nfaa n’eze we can’t wait to
And masticate your juicy nature
Welcome on board in our lives
This great season of ripe
Mango, our yellow man
We say hello everywhere we find
#Patronize the indigenous women by the roadside this season of yellow man (Mango)
#Patronize the indigenous women by the roadside this season of yellow man (Mango)
Stay blessed. Happy Weekend!
El 김포 출장샵 Yucateco Green Habanero. Information, ingredients, health rating, & carbon footprint. Info 창원 출장마사지 & comments: 3131 안동 출장안마 S Las Vegas Blvd. South Las Vegas, NV 89109. (702) 김제 출장샵 770-7349 경주 출장샵