Immediately, I heard a loud chirping noise as if a giant bird has invaded the poultry farm as I opened the entrance...
I was so perplexed at what my eyes beheld!
The older birds with wicked genetic traits has done it again without an inch of remorse 😔
They destroyed the laid eggs with their beaks again...
Why would I waste my time feeding you guys?
I cried out, as I hurriedly picked the lucky eggs the brooder birds protected from those traitors in a pullet clothings havoc! 😃
Moving closer to the inner pen where the 4weeks chicks were, it took grace for me not to shed tears 😢 and picked race!
Why me? Why now? What must have gone wrong?
These were unanswered rhetorical questions oozing out from my mouth...
But I followed the vaccination programme diligently except for the Gumboro vaccination which were few days away, I continued my lamentation...
In pain and agony, I began to pack the stacks of carcass of these young 4weeks pullets as a UN volunteer in a disaster scene...😔
The more I packed, the more they faint like building collapse! 😫
I halted for a moment to check for any possible clinical symptoms for what may- have gone wrong!
Whitish diarrhea, lameness, closed eyes, weakness, ruffle feathers and cast down rain beaten postures were what I observed.,
Quickly, I grabbed my mobile, searched through my fav. search engine- google chrome behold the disease has a name!
Holy crap! Salmonella gallinarium- Fowl typhoid! 😲
I began to look through for the quickest remedy to rescue my virgin farm from this killer bacterial disease!
After culling process, I turned pullet doctor instantly as I forced the amoxyl mixture down their gastrointestinal tract with the aid of a spoon coz of their anorexic nature...
As I began thorough sanitation, I recorded another mortality about five- poor creatures, poor me...
They continued to die in my presence until I began double-check culling all over again
I was amazed at the result I got the next day after administering Ampen and Glucomol mixture!
The cast down rain beaten look disappeared as the pullet became so energetic- flying up and down
With heart filled of happiness and grateful heart, I thanked God for 13 survivors outta 50 birds rescued from a 90% mortality killer disease- fowl typhoid...
This was a true life story from the diary of an agonized pullet farm who lost 37 birds within 48hours but who got a happily ever after moment through great faith, hardwork, persistence, courage and boldness throughout the treatment process...
In life, there are moments when you feel all hopes are gone, when you feel there is no remedy, when you look shattered and battered, when you look down cast- don't give up!
Look at the great packs of light inside of you, if only you can focus on the victory and not the pain...
Every problem you've ever faced has a solution in which only YOU can spark to come alive with great faith, hardwork, courage and persistent!
Are you at the verge of giving up?
Is that treatment and refining process seeming too troublesome or taking longer?
Halt, think, work and look at the sun rising from within YOU!
Of a truth, Life is a teacher
And you're both the student and the teacher...
Winning lies in your DNA
You're almost at the finish line Champ! Don't give up!
Have a great day ahead...
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